Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Big Milestone for Jackie Kennedy - Kindergarten (
Funding Available for Arts in Bellevue (
This is going to be such a great day that I cannot wait to get it started. What is amazing in your world?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm ok with a day of rain, but after that, I want summer back! It can't be over already ...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Another great day! (almost as amazing as Mondays) Looking forward to announcing more events today ...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eastside Entrepreneurs Networking Happy Hour Tonight at Yama in Bellevue (
Eastside Entrepreneurs Networking Happy Hour Tonight at Yama in Bellevue (
So many good things happening - gonna be another GREAT day! Looking forward to EE happy hour @YamaBellevue tonight 5-8

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Award Winning Chef/Restaurateur Launches John Howie Steak on Sept. 12 (
Know a construction guy in or around Bellevue who would like a small side job? Framing & installing interior door. Needed asap. Thx 4 help!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cannot believe I just answered the question: How do you define ‘FASHION’ in Bellevue? on April Kim's Vue Society blog

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's going to be another great day! After 2 days of totally geeking out @ #Gnomedex, now get to spend day w @JackieNKennedy

Friday, August 21, 2009

Talk about the ultimate Geekfest #Gnomedex is it - cannot wait to get back down among all the brilliant gnomedexers, meet, listen and learn

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm going to hit up tonight before crossing the bridge to the pre #Gnomedex party. Lots of great networking!
I love the saying on @lifeasart s biz card - "You have to be present to win" so true. ^JK
So tired of listening to slamming doors, cabinets, toilet seats. Shared housing no longer 4 me. Cannot wait to move to downtown Bellevue!
This is going to be an awesome day! No pain - lots of gain! Good things happening all around. THINK GOOD THOUGHTS

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"You have to think anyway, so why not think big?" - Donald Trump via
Terry & Marilyn Wade will be at Eastside Wine's kickoff party tomorrow @GrandCruWine - hope to see YOU there too!
Scott & Deba Wegner, & Bob Stanbary just reserved for Eastside Wine's kickoff party tomorrow @GrandCruWine - hope to see YOU there too!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Just got a press release from local PR co about kicking off Christmas w Santa cookies and cocoa - isn't it still summer? Winter stay away!
@PaulMcFadden just purchased his ticket to Eastside Wine's kickoff event on Wed. Will U B there?
@drew - this toothache sucks - I'm blaming it on Drew's cancer #blamedrewscancer - Let's get rid of that nasty stuff Drew! see u @Gnomedex

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just finished an event and social media services proposal for a Bellevue restaurant and bar that is about to become very well known.
Thanks to @GeneDexter @DJTopSpin 4 party last night @MonsoonEast. Good to see a bunch of friends inc. @stevenmatsumoto @johnnykelso et al ..
This is going to be a GREAT weekend. So many opportunities to help others. What are you doing to make a difference?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1,299 members in the Eastside Entrepreneurs Social Network. Who will be # 1300?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hard to believe how much I'm loving Mondays - so many great opportunities to start off an amazing week! Business is great, people r better!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

R. Gary Sears is the latest to join are you a member? Invited any others to join us today?
Something most guys will never realize: it's kind of gross to have a hair in your mouth - extra gross if it is ur own.
Just posted a blog post about my growing Dream Team - I'd love to hear your feedback ...
It's going to be another amazing day. Good things are happening - I can feel it!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

What a fricking poser - just got done w 20 min photo session for publicity photos. Pure hell for someone who hate the camera ...
65 Happy wine lovers are already members on the new Eastside Wine Social Networking Club - won't YOU join us?
1,295 Members at - who will be #1300? 8/12/09 marks 10 months in existence. Want to partner on our next party?
Today is a great day for accomplishing a number of tasks I've been putting off. Anything you've been procrastinating? Work days end in "y".

Friday, August 07, 2009

Lil' Jon Restaurant, Hub of East Bellevue (
Wondering if the weather peeps r going 2 b right tomorrow - perhaps Pour on the Plaza is an appropriate name?
What an amazing day & fantastic week! Who else had something good happen for them? PLEASE let me hear about it! has 1294 members in less than 10 mos - who will be # 1300?

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Heading out to Yama for MS fundraiser. Imagine at a fashion event. Not a pretty picture. Is a hair band an accessory?
Just got done watching old rerun of HomeTeam (co I used to work for), quite the tear jerker. But WTH was that host? Not Troy McLain ..
Wondering if Facebook is getting additional action today due to attacks on Twitter ...

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

#WishfulWednesday Wish I could clone myself to get 10x as much done, then again, the world can probably only handle 1

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

It's going to be another great day today. What are you doing to help others and/or make positive news? Remember to Pay it Forward!

Monday, August 03, 2009

What a great day! Feeling FREE - and heading to the beach in a few hours. Time to celebrate. Check @ 3:30
The BIG news u have all been waiting 4 (ok some of you), has been sent to media outlets and will be posted at at 3:30pm

Sunday, August 02, 2009

One Vehicle Traffic Accident results in a fatality ( Screws Over Longtime Customer with 66 Domains

Almost 2 and a half days ago, my (soon to be former) host company took down my highly trafficked website at without warning. I was actually adding content to it and had just tweeted that I was hoping it would get to half a million page views for the month. Instead, they canceled the database - without even letting me know. Apparently it was getting too much traffic for them .... This is a lawsuit waiting to happen - any attorneys want to take it on? I have been a customer for over 6 years and have over 66 domains there - most of them with smaller simple sites, but a couple (like Eastside Business Journal) that are the main focus of my business. It is not fair that 1and1 decided to abuse their long time loyal customer like this - and they won't even respond to inquiries or tell me over the phone. If you are looking for a web hosting company, you will avoid 1and1 if you are smart. If you have the misfortune of already having them, you should definitely consider changing hosting companies. It's only a matter of time before 1and1 will screw you too ... This was the tweet that I mentioned: RT @EastsideBizNews: Eastside Biz Journal has 455,000+ page views in July with one day left. an we get 45k in one day?

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Today is going to be a GREAT day. Something really good is going to happen. What good is happening in your life?